Why do many companies only have a mission statement but no vision statement?

Why do many companies only have a mission statement but no vision statement?

A mission statement is a short statement of why a company exists. It describes the purpose of a company and its general intention. The mission shows the business a company is involved in, its goals, and how to reach those goals.

On the contrary, the vision statement states the desired future of a company. In this post, let’s look at why many companies only use a mission statement.

Mission Statement is Easy to Define

It is relatively easy for a company to write a mission statement. It can generally describe the kind of products and services offered in a company, its market target, and geographical location.

In addition, it also explains the goal that the company wants to achieve by doing business. This makes it easy to determine the mission statement.

Unlike the vision statement which describes the future of a company. It is not as easy to predict the future of anything.

Companies Combine Mission and Vision Statement

Most companies combine mission and vision statements into a single statement. By combining the two, it is easier to explain about your company business, motivate workers and attract customers.

At times, using the can bring confusion to employees and customers. When setting up a business, you should strive to be clear to everyone.

This way, no confusion is created and the direction to be followed is clear for everyone. Combining the two makes your business clearer.

Mission Statement Supports Vision Statement

At the end of the day, the mission supports the vision of a company. In other words, there is no vision without a mission. Since the vision describes the future, for the future to be achieved daily operations must be accomplished.

The mission statement is all about day-to-day operations. It communicates the purpose and direction to be followed to achieve the company vision.

This means, by following the company mission, the vision will eventually be achieved.

Company Leaders are Different

The leaders that lead companies are very different. When you use mission and vision statements, the senior leadership of a company must be able to use both.

However, some leaders are just good at using the mission statement. Most leaders in corporate companies are not visionary leaders. Their leadership style is based on flexible responses from the markets.

Moreover, they develop services and products based on customer demand. For these leaders, a vision statement would be a lie. They can create an expectation that cannot be met.

The mission is Short-term and Vision Long-term

The mission of a company describes everyday operations that are conducted in the company. Most companies only have short-term goals. These are goals for the completion of ongoing projects for a few days or months.

Not many companies give importance to where they want to be in some years in the future. This might be because of their leaders who might just be ignorant.

Again, some have the notion that if the mission is followed, the company will be where it needs to be.

Mission Statements are Continuously Relevant

Great mission statements stay continuously relevant. This could be explained by the fact that it is applied every day in the business.

All operations conducted day-to-day are meant to achieve objectives in the mission statement. This statement helps the company determine the direction of the business and explore new markets available.

While these daily objectives also add to the vision of the company, some are small to not even be noticed. That’s why the mission statement is continuously relevant because it is applied each day.

Mission Statement is Compelling

Mission statements irresistibly evoke interest and admiration. They present to people a common purpose that everyone can aspire towards. This is because they are inspiring statements that all people can relate to.

It gives a clear target of the mission, which includes all people. This makes it easier for people to align their goals with the target of the mission.

For visions statements, people might not understand its real meaning and intention until it happens.

Mission Statement is Measurable

Mission statements are very measurable. They have a target to be reached which they can be measured against.

According to Shrm, the mission statement contributes to short-term goals to be achieved in a company. These short-term goals progress is measured every day through tasks that are completed.

Unlike mission statements, some visions statements look awkward just from reading them. For example, a company’s vision might be “To become Number One”.

Communicates with External Audiences

It is used by the company to communicate to external audiences. Since you cannot go explaining your strategic plans to everyone, the mission statement represents the company’s plans.

It can be used to introduce a company or send a message to external stakeholders. The mission statement can be shared with partners to attract possible candidates.

Mission Statement Helps Make Decisions Stiff

The mission statement is used to filter decisions about to be made by the company. The company can be examining a new business opportunity or a shift in strategic direction.

For new ideas, the management should consider if it aligns with the mission of the company. Not all ideas are relevant to a company. Even in times of change, it helps organizations stay true to their goals.

Both the mission and vision statements are important in a company. However, for reasons discussed in this article, most companies use only the mission statement. It can guide a company to achieve its vision. Company leaders should know where to apply both.               

Why do many companies only have a mission statement but no vision statement?

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Why do many companies only have a mission statement but no vision statement?

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Why do many companies only have a mission statement but no vision statement?

Why do many companies only have a mission statement but no vision statement?
Why do many companies only have a mission statement but no vision statement?

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Why do many companies only have a mission statement but no vision statement?

Why do many companies only have a mission statement but no vision statement?

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Why do many companies only have a mission statement but no vision statement?