What Companies Should Know About Generative AI

What Companies Should Know About Generative AI. Like ChatGPT and Bard, generative AI systems (software with artificial intelligence that responds questions) give prompts rapid responses depending on the knowledge they are aware of—a large portion of the internet or a more limited content library, if that is what they are instructed to use.

These comments typically appear and sound authoritative, as though a genuine person authored them, even though they are not necessarily true.

As a result, it could be difficult to identify instances in which an employee has used text produced by AI in their job. You can be using AI to make crucial decisions without even recognizing it.

Are Your Employees Using Generative AI?

Most likely, you don’t know the answer to that query. It’s possible that one of your staff members just utilized an AI tool to respond to an email you gave them, update a client, carry out research, compile a proposal for stakeholders, or generate text for a service you offer.
Given all of this, it would be wise to develop a use policy for generative artificial intelligence.

Although a complete prohibition on the technology would not be in your best interests given its benefits, you should be aware of the risks and take precautions to reduce their impact. The following are some of the greatest hazards that you and your team should be aware of:


Companies should be aware of when and how staff members use AI tools as part of their own risk management plans. Companies may also need to disclose whether and how these tools are being utilized to clients and business partners, depending on the particular use case. This can be helped by policies requiring employees to record when they utilize generative AI.

Generative AI transparency refers to the degree to which the decision-making processes and outcomes of AI systems are understandable and explainable to humans.

Transparency is crucial in the workplace when using generative AI systems to ensure ethical and responsible use of technology. Here are some transparency issues that can arise:

  1. Lack of interpretability: Generative AI models, such as deep neural networks, are often complex and difficult to interpret. Understanding how these models generate outputs can be challenging, making it hard to explain the reasoning behind their decisions.
  2. Black box problem: Some generative AI systems operate as black boxes, meaning that the internal workings and decision-making processes are not visible or accessible to users. This lack of transparency can lead to mistrust, as employees may be unsure how the AI arrived at a particular outcome.
  3. Bias and discrimination: Generative AI models learn from large datasets, and if these datasets contain biased or discriminatory information, the AI system can amplify those biases. The lack of transparency in how these biases are learned and propagated can result in unfair or discriminatory outcomes in the workplace.
  4. Data privacy concerns: Generative AI systems often require large amounts of data to train effectively. However, the use of personal or sensitive data in these models can raise privacy concerns. Employees may worry about the security and potential misuse of their personal information.
  5. Ethical implications: Generative AI systems can generate content that may be misleading, deceptive, or inappropriate. Lack of transparency in how these systems generate content can raise ethical concerns, especially when it comes to customer interactions, content creation, or decision-making processes.

Addressing generative AI transparency issues in the workplace is essential. Some potential solutions include:

  1. Explainable AI (XAI): Developing techniques that provide insights into the decision-making processes of generative AI models can enhance transparency. This could involve visualizing model behavior, generating explanations for outputs, or incorporating interpretability methods into the AI system.
  2. Data quality and bias mitigation: Ensuring high-quality and diverse training data can help reduce biases in generative AI systems. Regularly auditing datasets for bias and taking steps to address and mitigate biases can improve fairness and transparency.
  3. User education and involvement: Providing employees with an understanding of how generative AI systems work, their limitations, and potential biases can increase transparency. Involving users in the design and decision-making processes regarding AI systems can also promote transparency and build trust.
  4. Regulatory frameworks and guidelines: Governments and organizations can establish regulations and guidelines that promote transparency in AI systems. These frameworks can address issues such as data privacy, explainability, and accountability, ensuring responsible AI use in the workplace.

Transparency in generative AI systems is an ongoing challenge, but by addressing these issues and implementing appropriate measures, organizations can foster a more ethical and transparent AI-powered workplace.

Avoiding bias

While many are constructed with constraints to try to avoid generating content reflecting specific biases, the outputs of generative AI tools should still be carefully examined because they can reflect the bias of their data inputs.

Avoiding bias issues in the workplace is an important aspect of ensuring fairness and inclusivity. When it comes to generative AI, there are several steps you can take to mitigate bias. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Diverse training data: Ensure that the data used to train the generative AI model is diverse and representative of different demographics. Biases can emerge when the training data is skewed or limited, so it’s important to include a wide range of perspectives.
  2. Bias detection and mitigation: Implement techniques to detect and mitigate biases in the generated outputs. This can involve monitoring the AI system for biased language or content and adjusting the model or training data accordingly.
  3. Regular model evaluation: Continuously evaluate the performance of the generative AI model to identify and address any biases that may emerge over time. Regular audits can help you understand the potential biases and make necessary improvements.
  4. Inclusive development team: Ensure that the development team responsible for building and maintaining the generative AI system is diverse and includes individuals from different backgrounds. This can help bring diverse perspectives to the table and reduce the likelihood of biased outcomes.
  5. User feedback and transparency: Encourage users of the generative AI system to provide feedback on the outputs they receive. This feedback can help identify biases or unintended consequences that may arise. Transparency in how the system works and the steps taken to address biases can also build trust and accountability.
  6. Ethical guidelines and policies: Establish clear ethical guidelines and policies for the use of generative AI in the workplace. These guidelines should include instructions on avoiding biases and promoting fairness, as well as consequences for non-compliance.
  7. Ongoing education and awareness: Conduct training and awareness programs for employees to educate them about biases, their impact, and how to use generative AI responsibly. This can help foster a culture of inclusion and bias awareness in the workplace.

Remember that while these steps can help mitigate bias issues, it’s crucial to recognize that complete elimination of biases is challenging.

It requires ongoing efforts and a commitment to continuously improve and adapt the generative AI system to promote fairness and inclusivity in the workplace.

Businesses will want to make sure that antidiscrimination and fair treatment standards are applied to the usage of AI technologies and that they are properly monitoring for unfair and illegal outcomes and repercussions.

Inaccurate Information

Generative AI is not always accurate. Responses could be biased or factually incorrect, incomplete, or refer to unreliable sources. If your staff utilize such a tool, they must carefully examine the replies.

They run the danger of giving inaccurate information or sources to coworkers or clients, who might act on it later. Generative AI systems like ChatGPT are powerful tools for generating text and providing assistance.

However, they are not infallible and can sometimes produce inaccurate or misleading information. It’s important to be aware of this limitation when using generative AI in the workplace. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Verification of information: Always verify the information generated by AI systems before relying on it. Use trusted sources, fact-checking methods, and critical thinking to confirm the accuracy of the information.
  2. Contextual understanding: Generative AI models may not fully grasp the context or nuances of a specific topic. They generate responses based on patterns and examples in their training data. Therefore, it’s essential to critically evaluate and interpret the AI-generated content within the appropriate context.
  3. Bias and subjectivity: AI models can inadvertently reflect biases present in their training data. When using generative AI in the workplace, be cautious of potential biases and ensure you apply diverse perspectives and critical thinking to the information provided.
  4. Human oversight and intervention: Consider having human experts review and supervise the output generated by AI systems. They can provide additional insights, correct inaccuracies, and ensure the information aligns with the organization’s standards and guidelines.
  5. Feedback and improvement: Report any inaccuracies or issues you encounter to the developers or providers of the generative AI system. User feedback helps in identifying and addressing shortcomings, leading to the continuous improvement of the technology.

Remember that generative AI is a tool to augment human intelligence, not replace it entirely. While it can be a valuable resource, critical thinking, human judgment, and careful verification are essential to mitigate the risk of inaccurate information in the workplace.

Stolen Ideas

Tools for generative AI may not always disclose where they obtained their data. The creators of the concepts, revelations, or recommendations that AI generates aren’t usually given credit.

When using AI for business, employees should be careful to avoid inadvertently plagiarizing the work of others, especially if their work may be seen by clients or the general public.

Generative AI can indeed raise concerns about stolen ideas in the workplace. As AI models like ChatGPT become more advanced, there is a possibility that they could generate ideas or content that resemble or replicate the work of others. Here are a few points to consider regarding this issue:

  1. Intellectual property: If an AI system generates content that closely resembles existing work, it may raise questions about intellectual property rights. It is essential to be mindful of copyright laws and ensure that proper attribution is given when necessary.
  2. Originality assessment: When using generative AI in the workplace, it becomes crucial to assess the originality of the generated content. It’s important to cross-reference and verify that the ideas or content produced by AI are not plagiarized or infringing on someone else’s work.
  3. Ethical guidelines: Organizations should establish clear ethical guidelines for the use of generative AI in the workplace. This includes outlining the responsible and respectful use of AI systems, respecting intellectual property rights, and avoiding the intentional misuse of AI to plagiarize or steal ideas.
  4. Education and awareness: Promoting awareness and providing education about generative AI and its potential implications can help employees understand the importance of originality, creativity, and respecting intellectual property rights. This can include training sessions, workshops, or guidelines on using AI systems responsibly.
  5. Human input and validation: Although generative AI can be a valuable tool, it is essential to involve human input and validation in the creative process. Humans can provide critical judgment, review, and ensure that the generated content is original and aligns with ethical standards.
  6. Clear ownership and attribution: Establishing clear ownership and attribution policies can help prevent disputes and confusion. It should be clear who owns the generated content and how it should be credited to avoid any misunderstandings or claims of stolen ideas.

By addressing these points and implementing appropriate measures, organizations can minimize the risk of stolen ideas or plagiarism concerns when using generative AI in the workplace.

Privacy and Security

Your staff should exercise caution when handling both the information they receive from generative AI and the information they give it when posing questions. Using private company data, trade secrets, and other sensitive information in AI-generating technologies ought to be against company policy.

In addition to gathering data as part of the output generation process, generative AI tools may also employ data inputs to train their AI models. Any user must be aware of the information that might be gathered, how it can be used, and any controls that might be put in place.

Generative AI, including language models like myself, can indeed raise privacy and security concerns in the workplace. Here are some key issues to consider:

  1. Data Privacy: When using generative AI systems, employees may interact with the model by providing text or other data. Organizations must ensure that sensitive or confidential information is not shared inadvertently, as these models can retain and learn from the data they receive.
  2. Data Security: The data used to train and fine-tune generative AI models should be protected to prevent unauthorized access. Adequate security measures, such as encryption and access controls, should be implemented to safeguard both the training data and the generated content.
  3. Intellectual Property: Generating AI-generated content may raise concerns about intellectual property rights. If an employee generates content using generative AI tools, it is crucial to clarify ownership and usage rights to avoid any potential legal issues.
  4. Ethical Use: Generative AI systems should be used responsibly and ethically in the workplace. Employers should establish guidelines to ensure that generated content aligns with ethical standards and does not promote discrimination, bias, or misinformation.
  5. Impersonation and Fraud: Generative AI models can mimic human speech and writing styles. This capability can be misused for impersonation or fraud purposes. Organizations should be cautious about the potential misuse of AI-generated content for deceptive activities.
  6. Algorithmic Bias: Generative AI models may inadvertently reflect biases present in the training data, which can result in biased or unfair output. Organizations should be aware of this issue and regularly monitor and address any biases that may arise in the generated content.

To address these concerns, organizations should establish clear policies and guidelines regarding the use of generative AI in the workplace. Employee training and awareness programs can help educate individuals about the responsible and secure use of these technologies.

Additionally, regular audits and risk assessments can assist in identifying and mitigating potential privacy and security risks associated with generative AI systems.

Companies should carefully examine employee policies prohibiting the sharing of, at the very least, any personal or employee information, private business information, or any other sensitive material in the office setting.

Human review

Although beneficial, generative AI technologies are typically not the best option for providing answers to queries. To ensure proper monitoring and usage of generative AI outputs, businesses should implement accountability systems and procedures that include tests for relevance and correctness.

Limiting use cases

Practically speaking, some usage might not raise many red lights, while others, including deploying AI technologies for customer-related objectives, can offer higher hazards if not controlled appropriately.

Companies should think about identifying any particularly problematic or sensitive use cases that are off-limits for their staff to utilize generative AI, as well as any uses that the firm would wish to enable, given the myriad potential uses for AI and the distinct hazards some uses can entail.

Companies should think about seeking upfront clearance of any use cases for generative AI technologies for any subsequent usage.

Basic policies and procedures for employee use of generative AI tools are a good place to start, but managing generative AI tools should be integrated into a company’s or organization’s overall approach to using AI and managing AI risk.

An organization’s overall AI risk management can be aided by frameworks like NIST’s AI Risk Management Framework, which is covered in more depth in our AI RMF summary and podcast interview.
Organizations should make sure that their AI strategy maintains up with the rapid technological and legal changes in AI.

What Companies Should Know About Generative AI

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What Companies Should Know About Generative AI

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What Companies Should Know About Generative AI

What Companies Should Know About Generative AI

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What Companies Should Know About Generative AI

What Companies Should Know About Generative AI

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What Companies Should Know About Generative AI