15 Reasons why Google’s Company Culture Works

15 Reasons why Google’s Company Culture Works

Google’s company culture contributes to their great working environment. Google’s great culture is the secret behind their productivity, creativity, and engaged employees. Most people always want to work at Google.

This is because their values and culture are great motivations for inspiring people to work at Google. While we talk or hear about Google’s great culture, most people don’t know how they achieved it. In this post, I will share reasons why their culture works and what you should learn from them.

It is Built on Data

Since the Google Company was established, they base their decisions on data. No matter the magnitude of the choice they have to make, they consider data on quality and quantity in the process of making the decision. Google uses actual data even in setting workplace rules. For example, Google performs studies to find out how many days off new mothers need, the best strategy to use to improve employee engagement, and more. Their findings help them ascertain ways of building a better company culture.

Fun Working Environment

Google makes their workplace feel more than just work. Workers at Google work for longer hours and even weekends but still enjoy going to work. Google appears to have the best solution for a workplace. Google workers find everything they need at the workplace.

And, these needs are provided by Google at no cost. For example, all meals from breakfast, lunch, and supper. Health and dental checkups, haircuts and hairdressers, dry cleaning, massages, video games, table sports, and much more. While these needs cost money, it is nothing compared to what they save by reducing turnover.

Creativity is Encouraged

Google believes that happier workers are more productive and creative. They create an environment where employees feel free to express their creativity. In Google, autonomy is encouraged. This means you are allowed to work in any environment you please. They don’t restrict workers to cubicles and desks.

Google lets you work where you can focus and perform at your best. When hiring, they don’t consider an applicant’s professional background. They hire candidates who are curious and have a passion for learning. Hiring more and more creative talent increases creativity at their workplace hence a great company culture.

Hiring for Character and Skills

Google receives around 2 million job applications per year. Out of the 2 million, they only hire around 7000 people. For applications and resumes, they go through a test known as the “six-second” test. In this test, recruiters skim through resumes for six seconds. If nothing impresses them, you fail.

Google’s hiring process is effective for finding the best talent, with great character and drive. While it’s necessary to hire a person with the right skills, they emphasize character too. They search for people who are fun, humble, and innovative. Some skills can be taught while soft skills and character cannot be taught.

Open Communication

Google’s organizational structure allows between employees at all levels. Each worker is encouraged to share his or her voice. Their policy for open communication invites feedback from all workers without fear of the consequences. Even from hiring, Google hires people who are eager to share ideas and cooperate with other team members.

Their culture allows all workers to share their ideas and suggestions with colleagues or the management. For their managers, are taught great values of leadership and are encouraged to share those values with their workers. For the feedback they receive from workers, they also provide ways to implement them.

Clear Impart of Values

Google Company has a clear idea of its core values and goals. They have a webpage known as “Ten things we know to be true”. In this webpage, they list their core values. Some examples of their values include focusing on the user and all else will follow, it is best to do one thing well, fast is better than slow, you can make money without doing evil, need for information crosses all borders, great just isn’t good enough, among others. A clear understanding of their values makes them hire people who share their values or want to learn their values. By doing this, they ensure people who work at the company share the same goals.

Innovation is a Priority

Google Company believes that to stay competitive you must be innovative. Their company culture gives priority to innovation. They promote innovation in various ways. From their hiring process, they can find the most innovative minds in the market. In the company, they hold sessions where employees are encouraged to think outside the box, be creative and give innovative ideas. They also supply the resources needed to come up with new ideas. Most important, they reward workers who come up with innovative ideas and solutions. They create an environment of creative thinking, creating ideas, and brainstorming.

Financial Support to Workers

Google is on the top list of companies that pay their employees well. On top of paying them well, they also provide them with personal financial assistance. This is to ensure that their workers stay in good financial health even as they get what they need. Google strongly understands that not everyone gets the finances they want. And, lack of financial education leads to debts and issues that cause financial hardships. They also provide on-site financial advisors and planners. These are meant to assist in debts, investing, tax issues, and other things.

Mobility in the Company

Many people make changes in their careers or change their job descriptions while working. Most companies avoid providing for their workers’ professional career mobility. Career mobility entails giving your workers additional training. For Google, they encourage mobility in the company. This is to give their workers chances of working on their strengths and weaknesses. They do this by providing workers with the job they want and helping them in transition. Encouraging mobility increases employee retention, and saves onboarding and recruitment costs.

Peoples Operations

Google refers to their massive HR department as “Peoples Operations”. In their peoples’ operations, HR and science intersect to keep the company performing at its best. Most company’s HR departments are reactive, but Google’s People Operations, choose a proactive approach. People operations of Google rely on studies and data. They research a problem, find its cause, and determine the best solution to solve that problem.


Google Company understands the need for employees to have a flexible working schedule. They believe that when employees work on their terms unleashes their creativity and improves their productivity. They let workers decide how they want to work and which environment suits them best. Giving workers freedom and flexibility is part of their culture.

Strong Purpose and Mission

Having a strong purpose and mission for your company brings many benefits to your company. A purpose and a mission act as a guide to direct employees in the direction to work towards. Google was not left behind. Their strong mission helps in building their great company culture. Google’s company culture has a common and direct and clear purpose. This is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Devoted Attention to Employees Happiness

Google has a team that only focuses on keeping the employees happy. Google cares for their employees in many ways but most important they align the needs of workers with those of the company. To keep employees happy, they offer surplus benefits, free health and meals, hybrid cars, and other amenities. They understand that to keep employees happy, their needs have to be taken care of so they can perform at their best.


Trust is an important value to build and maintain in the workplace. Trust is the beginning of building a good relationship between employers and employees. Google Company embraces and trusts its workers. Their willingness to trust employees nurtures creativity, improves performance, and job satisfaction.

The People and the Experts

Despite all the great amenities and needs that Google provides for its employees, the people make Google a great company culture. When you are in need, you get instant access to experts in almost all fields. Moreover, in their hiring process, they ensure that their workers are not just capable and smart at their job, but also kind and humble.

Google Company culture has been rated to be among the best company cultures in the world. I have highlighted some reasons why it works in this article. Learn from Google’s culture and apply their ways of working in your organization.                

why Google’s Company Culture Works

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why Google’s Company Culture Works

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