15 HR Policies That HR Should Use

 15 HR Policies That HR Should Use

Are you looking for the best policies to use in running your organization? I have a solution for you. I have outlined some of the policies to help you run your business smoothly. These Policies will provide you a framework that will enable you to run your organization with equity.

The policies will also help you in decision-making. With these policies, your employees will understand the basis of your company. They will get to understand what is expected of them too. Policies will provide a very clear communication strategy between you and your employees.

Policies will help you in practices such as onboarding, training, and supervising your employees. Last but not least, these policies will ensure that your organization is aligned with all legal requirements. Below are the policies that you should consider implementing in your organization.

List of HR Policies

  1. At-will policy

This is a policy that allows any employee in your organization to terminate their relationship with you business-wise. However, you should ensure that you clearly state this policy in the employee’s handbook for them to read. Employees that want to quit working for you should have a lawful reason as to why they can no longer work for you. You should ensure all your employees feel secure and comfortable to avoid such occurrences.

  • Break and meal periods policy

Your employees deserve a break from work after a certain period. This is also the right time for them to rest and have their meals (including breastfeeding). This policy is there to ensure that employees are comfortable working in your organization.

Ensure that you implement this policy to ensure that your organization is in line with employees’ policies. Not having this policy in your organization can lead to accusations from employees. To avoid being sued, ensure you have the policy put in place. Indicate the duration when your employees should take their breaks and their meals too.

  • Drug policy

There have been many legalizations of drugs especially marijuana hence the need for you to implement this policy. Indicate the measures that govern your organization regarding drugs. Let your employees know what drugs are prohibited in your organization. Also, let them be aware of the consequences that follow when they break that rule. You should consider implementing testing procedures for every employee after a certain period. This ensures that substance abuse is dealt with accordingly in your organization. With this policy in place, your organization will be very productive. 

  • Timekeeping Policy

This policy goes hand in hand with the pay policy. Your organization should keep track of how your employees work. Your employees should be aware of the time they are required to work each particular day. They should keep the agreed time when reporting and when in the evening. When it comes to payment, you should inform your employees about all the modes of payment that your organization uses to pay them. Inform your employees about the procedures that are taken to receive payments in case the payday falls on the same day as a holiday. 

  • Health policy and safety

Your employees are entitled to healthcare while working for you. In case an employee is injured while working for your organization, they should report such injuries to you immediately. This is following the law. You have to also ensure that your employees are safe. You should have exit points that employees could use in case of emergencies. In case you have chemicals in your organization, ensure that you instill programs such as hazard communication and control.

  • Anti-harassment policy 

This policy is there to ensure that all your employees are neither discriminated against nor treated unlawfully. Any harassment, be it religious, physical, or even psychological is considered unlawful. According to federal and local provisions, all employees are entitled to equality. To be on the safe side, you should implement this policy in your organization. Ensure that you review and follow all the applicable procedures following the law when it comes to this policy.

  • Leave benefits policy

You should have this policy in your organization as it is following the law. Leaves such as vacations, maternity leave, sick leave, or even holidays should be indicated in your employees’ handbook. Also, adhere to other lawful leaves such as voting leaves and family leave. Ensure all these leaves are included in your organization’s rules. You should ensure that all the leave requirements are included too.

  • Social media

Social media is the new trend and most people use it. However, you should have a clear policy that states how to use social media at work. Ensure your employees know which information or pictures can be posted on social media and which ones should not, businesswise. Also, this policy should indicate the disciplinary, measures that come with violation of this rule. Remember social media policy is meant to protect your organization’s reputation.

  • Conduct and attendance policy

Your employees should be aware of this policy. Let them know how they are expected to dress and behave around the organization and outside. Also, inform them about what is required of them when it comes to attendance and the penalties that follow when they break this rule. You should provide them with procedures that they should follow to inform supervisors in case of scheduled or unscheduled absences. This policy also clarifies when an employee is supposed to be at work. Late arrivals should be addressed to your supervisors as soon as the employee reports for duty.

  1. Remote workers policy

If your organization supports remote workers working from home, let this policy be clear to employees involved. Again, you must let all employees know if they are eligible for remote work or not. If a task cannot be executed from home, let your employees know about it.

Those that are allowed to work remotely should understand all the requirements that they ought to meet. If there are limitations that come with working from home, ensure your employees are aware of them. Remote workers should also be aware of how you monitor them from home.  

  1. Confidentiality policy

This policy mainly targets your employees. They should be aware of sensitive information that ought not to be shared outside the organization. Some plans and projects that are not complete should remain confidential unless you state otherwise.

Explaining the importance of maintaining the confidentiality and how it may affect your organization will help your employees respect this policy. In case any employee violates this policy, appropriate disciplinary measures should be taken against them.

  1. Personal device policy

Whenever your employees are using personal devices, whether laptops or phones, they should be aware of this policy. Let your employees know the devices you allow for work use and those that you discourage. This policy should also indicate how you monitor personal devices. Also, the amount of security that is required to safeguard business information in these devices should be addressed in this policy.

  1. No weapon policy

You are responsible for each employee’s health in your organization. Your employees should therefore be made aware of this policy and what it entails. Any object that is considered dangerous should not be brought inside your organization. You should clearly state all the objects that are considered to be a weapon in employees’ handbooks for them to read. Those that go against this policy should face serious disciplinary actions.

  1. Grievance policy

At some point in your organization, there will be misunderstandings among employees or between employees and senior staff. This is normal. The grievance policy is there to provide guidelines that you should follow when solving these disputes. Grievance policy is one of the essential policies that you should have to help safeguard your organization and its reputation.

  1. Employee Classification policy

You should let your employees know about this policy especially part-time or temporary employee if any. One of the rules that this policy indicates is that part-time employees are not eligible for healthcare benefits or any other benefits enjoyed by permanent employees in your organization. This is to avoid any misunderstanding that may arise when such cases occur. Temporary employees are also not eligible for employment extensions. Let this policy be clear in employees, handbooks too.

HR Policies That HR Should Use

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HR Policies That HR Should Use

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HR Policies That HR Should Use

HR Policies That HR Should Use

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HR Policies That HR Should Use

HR Policies That HR Should Use

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HR Policies That HR Should Use