15 Easy and Effective Ways to Build Team Rapport Within the Organization

15 Easy and Effective Ways to Build Team Rapport Within the Organization

 Rapport builds the foundation of a great working relationship. Without rapport, communicating and cooperating at work can be extra hard. As humans, we are created to build and maintain associations to be able to work together.

Having a common thing helps us create a connection. Managers have to help build rapport between team members. Rapport makes team members more engaged and loyal. Since it’s not always easy to build rapport at work, this post shares some ways you can use to build rapport between team members.

Know Your Team Mates

Knowing one another in the team helps make teamwork possible. This can be done through peers spending time together when not working. Other ways are through meeting for a chat at the office, over coffee or lunch breaks, holding personal conversations after meetings, and more.

Teammates should each other not just at work or professional level, but also at a personal level. For instance, personal interests, families, or hobbies. While you might lack time to know your peers, building relationships with them helps you dominate your time in the long term.

Team Mates to Reveal Human Side

Team members are humans with thoughts, feelings, fears, interests, and passions. Everyone wants to feel like they matter and be respected by others. In the workplace, people should consider this too. The workforce should not be focused so much on the success of the organization and forget they form a team that works towards a common goal.

Employees should not feel like they’re competing or that management is onto them. Such feelings make one feel unease and make cooperation unsuccessful. Open communication between the entire workforce creates an open working environment. It makes workers feel relaxed, comfortable, and engage on a human level.

Listen and Empathize with Others

Active listening is recommended in creating good team rapport. To listen actively is to give a speaker complete attention. This is by focusing on what they say, their tone, behavior, and facial expressions. By understanding what one is saying you recognize how you will respond.

Through active listening, you hold more engaging conversations. When you don’t care about what the other person is saying, it makes him or her frustrated. It leads to poor communication in the workplace. Poor communication ruins relationships affecting teamwork.

Recognize Achievements Publicly and Privately

Recognizing the achievements of others publicly and privately motivates them and the whole team. Public acknowledgment can be through an award or shout-out. Private recognition can be from the boss or a coworker. You can give a promotion to a worker who performed well or extra duties to show you trust them. Also, you can give monetary awards or pay rise. When giving reports and reviews, you can give positive feedback on an accomplishment. This creates a sense of personal satisfaction and pride. These ways increase the engagement, self-worth, and value of workers.

Understand Each Other’s Best Way of Working

Each worker in the team has his or her preferred way to work. For instance, some people love to communicate via email and not video calls. Others love to solve problems together with team members rather than solving the problem independently. Ensure your team members recognize how you work best by creating a list of preferences for each member. Your team members will understand how to serve your preferences to help you operate better. Respect for each other’s work preferences creates good team rapport.

Establish Important Company Values

As a leader, you should ensure you set your company’s important values. State what matters to you and your management team. Also, let the workers know the impact they are making on the world by reporting to work each day. Help your entire workforce understand your business purpose clearly. Show them the reason their work matters and what they help to achieve by completing tasks. When you establish common goals, you unify your team and create a strong team rapport.

Offer Help with Projects and Tasks

Collaborating with your workers makes your company’s work environment productive. To collaborate, some of your workers must take tasks not related to their jobs to help their coworkers. When a worker helps out a colleague, he or she broadens his knowledge and reliability. To add, it encourages team rapport. From time to time, everyone can require some assistance in their tasks. Offering help to a coworker helps colleagues build a relationship.

Effective Conflict Resolution

In the office, conflict is inevitable. How you handle conflict determines if it will turn into serious issues. Ensure you set clear procedures for handling conflicts. Let your team know there are respectful and constructive policies set to handle conflicts. A team member will fear or avoid issues as they rise by knowing that there is an effective way of handling conflict. Productivity will not be affected by issues and team members will have positive relationships.

Welcome New Workers

On hiring a new team member, ensure you openly welcome them to the organization. You should gather your whole team together to introduce the new worker. Go further to create informal sessions for the new worker to get to know other workers. Onboarding a new worker should be based on your company culture on things like teamwork, respect, and sharing knowledge. By doing this, you ensure that a new generation of team members maintains your company culture. Your team members also continue to work together.

Provide Training Opportunities

Your team members require opportunities for developing their skills. For instance, effective communication is crucial in building and maintaining rapport among your team members. Yet, not everyone in your team has effective communication skills. Provide opportunities for developing your team member’s communication skills and other professional skills. These opportunities are geared towards building empathy and unity for your team.

Promote Sharing of Knowledge

Learning together helps your team grow together. Teach your team members to engage in learning something new regularly. Host regular sessions for your team members to share knowledge and build stronger bonds. Team members should educate each other on teachings from conferences, training, or other skill sets that might be useful to their colleagues. These opportunities help your coworkers get to know more about each other.

Celebrate Teamwork not Competition

In establishing your company’s core values, emphasize teamwork and collaboration. Let your team members understand that supporting and respecting each other is valued more than trying to be the best among them. Celebrate your team members for the achievements they make while working together. Encourage each of your team members to ask or give help where it is needed. All team members at all levels should follow the same rules. This way, your team members will support each other and maintain positive relationships rather than competing.

Be Humble and Share

Being humble while working with a team increases your comfort. Being humble means recognizing that someone what you don’t and there are many ways, not just yours. When you are comfortable, it is easier to work with someone else’s style and approach. In the same way, when you are humble, you share ideas, opinions, knowledge, and space. You build unity and respect.

Learn to Do Your Part

Some people want to do a little bit more of everything. This can make it difficult for the team you are working with. In a project as a team member, learn to focus on your part of the project and do it exemplary well. Desire to do well in your part and trust your team members to do the same on their part. However, you can assist when requested.

Attempt What You Don’t Know

As a team member, take a role on the team that is not in your job description. Putting yourself in areas you are less comfortable with requires you to need assistance from your team members. This way, you will collaborate with members and control the tendency to do it alone. Seeing the knowledge others bring to the project helps you trust them. You understand that each member has a skill that they contribute to the projects. Trusting each other creates opportunities and builds strong relationships among team members.    

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Build Team Rapport

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Build Team Rapport

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Build Team Rapport